
Using SimBuilder as the underlying technology, we design, deploy and facilitate completely custom large-scale immersive simulation experiences.

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About Customsim

Designed to deliver a deeper understanding of a learning topic CustomSims are ideally suited to replicating real-world scenarios and credible organisational conditions.

Core Features


CustomSims are usually structured in rounds with multiple challenges and events that unfold over time, often as part of larger programs.

Learners take part in structured, facilitated sessions that can feature both synchronous or asynchronous activities


Whether producing accurate financial statements, dynamic market charts or climate change predictions CustomSims feature models built from the ground up to perfectly satisfy the goals of the simulation.


CustomSims accelerate the quality of learning in team-based environments. Providing deep, compelling context and an action-oriented atmosphere which fuels development.


Individual and team performance is available at every stage of the CustomSim experience with an in-built reporting functionality that delivers customized insights for program leaders.


CustomSims have been deployed as capstone experiences for executive leadership programs, experiential events in large-scale conferences and to support the roll-out of strategic initiatives. For any goal, in any context CustomSims deliver.


Clients can create variants of CustomSims which allow them to rapidly deploy versions more suited to particular regions or sectors they operate in.

Igniting Strategic Transformation at a Fortune 50 Technology Company

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